Date: Sat, 16 Apr 94 04:30:05 PDT From: Ham-Policy Mailing List and Newsgroup Errors-To: Ham-Policy-Errors@UCSD.Edu Reply-To: Ham-Policy@UCSD.Edu Precedence: Bulk Subject: Ham-Policy Digest V94 #174 To: Ham-Policy Ham-Policy Digest Sat, 16 Apr 94 Volume 94 : Issue 174 Today's Topics: ARRL report on preferred calls ARRL rpt on preferred calls Incentive Licensing Send Replies or notes for publication to: Send subscription requests to: Problems you can't solve otherwise to Archives of past issues of the Ham-Policy Digest are available (by FTP only) from UCSD.Edu in directory "mailarchives/ham-policy". We trust that readers are intelligent enough to realize that all text herein consists of personal comments and does not represent the official policies or positions of any party. Your mileage may vary. So there. ---------------------------------------------------------------------- Date: Fri, 15 Apr 1994 18:48:32 GMT From:!swrinde!!!!!csn!!srgenprp! Subject: ARRL report on preferred calls To: Dave Bushong ( wrote: : (Michael Tracy) writes: : >Committee Members: : >Mr. Steve Mendelsohn, WA2DHF, Chairman : >Mr. Frank Butler, W4RH : >Mr. Tom Comstock, N5TC : ^ ^ ^^^^ : Hmmm.... He probably got his call the same time I did, back in '75 or so when Extra-class ops could choose their own call. N1AL ALan Bloom "Number One Able Lover" ------------------------------ Date: Fri, 15 Apr 1994 18:52:18 GMT From:!usc!!!!csn!!srgenprp! Subject: ARRL rpt on preferred calls To: prvalko ( wrote: : : From the original posting: : : >Committee Members: : : >Mr. Steve Mendelsohn, WA2DHF, Chairman : : >Mr. Frank Butler, W4RH : : >Mr. Tom Comstock, N5TC : : >Mr. John Kanode, N4MM : : >Mr. Brad Wyatt, K6WR : : Not too many 1's and 0's on the committee! Funny how people always jump : : to attribute the worst possible motives to the ARRL. : As I said earlier, not too many "undesirable" calls in that group : either. So? The question was whether the committee had a 1-land bias. Obviously they don't. AL N1AL (Neither do I, now that I'm in 6-land :=) ------------------------------ Date: 16 Apr 94 07:21:51 GMT From:!agate!!!! Subject: Incentive Licensing To: Bill Turner writes: >To understand what's going on you really need to know where the old >timers are coming from. It's not CW, it's not phone, it's not packet. >What it is is the special status of being a licensed radio operator. Please understand, I am in no way trashing the "old timers". Being a licensed ham, even though takin g the test was done on a dare, is what I consider one of the top five achievments (so far) in life. From the first garade I have had my head glued tho a sw reciever. I could go on and on about the joy and sense of accomplishment derived from the hobby. But you know all about that... >fine with me. But I would like to see the FCC require some showing of >real dedication to the art and science of RADIO and not just the desire >to yak on the air. For chit-chat, the telephone works fine, maybe I could not agree more, Theory and basic operating knowledge first, choosing a facet (or facets/plural) to "specialise)" in next... (my backspace refuses to work) >Flame deflectors are on... None needed...If it wer'nt fer my Elmer, I would be lost. He is an Uncle who has been a ham for over 60 years (WHOA!) and is still in love with it. Even though I have held a tickert for less than 6 mo., I am active in all the legally permited bans includin g packet voice some cw (believe it or not) and have recently bien bitten hard by the ATV bug in the 1.2 ghz range. And I'm loving every minute i f it! Doing and learnig is what it's all about, I have very little doubt that I could pass the General theory test no sweat, but then there is this code thing... Oh well, I'll hang around on the higer freqs. they seem to be the "Last Frontier". One last more desparate note, If we dio not get more "young blood" in this hobby, we are gonna lose our places in the radio spectrum faster than you can key SOS. ------------------------------ End of Ham-Policy Digest V94 #174 ******************************